Intelius Review

Intelius is certainly considered to be one of the top online people search companies in the industry. They have been online since 2003, well before most of their current competitors were even in this market. Not only that, but they are a recognized member of the Inc. 500 and have over 8 million customers. It is easy to see why when you consider that they make it easy to find anyone and offer a full range of reports and ways to search.

Available Searches

Search Inquiries Services Accuracy Grade
Background Search A
People Search  A-
Criminal Background Search  A-
Reverse Phone Number Search A
Reverse E-mail Search A


  • Background Search
    Intelius makes this easy. Take whatever information you have, even if only a name, and type it in. You will be amazed at what can be discovered as the site examines numerous public records: address history, relatives, and even known associates.
  • People Search
    Searching for someone in particular is also easy at Intelius. Just pop in their name and you can get started. By going through multiple types of public records and databases, you will be amazed at the type of information that can be found in literally a matter of seconds. All of your report options will also be clearly displayed in order to help you make the best decision.
  • Criminal Background Search
    By conducting a criminal background search, you are really taking a thorough look into someone’s past. This includes everything from their address if they have ever been arrested or placed in the federal prison system. You will discover things like arrest records and even the actual charges, pleas, and dispositions of most cases.

Case Study

The most exciting part of evaluating a people search site is finding out whether or not it actually works in the real world, i.e. can you use it to find a real person? For this reason, we always like to give the site a test and put it through its paces in order to find someone. While an individual may work, we found the best subject for a case study is the CEO of the company in question. After a basic Google search we discovered the name of the Intelius CEO is Naveen Jain, and the company is located in Bellevue, Washington.

A basic initial people search returned three people with the name of Naveen Jain within the state of Washington. The nice thing about this particular search is that it was incredibly accurate. The first result on the list was clearly our ‘target’ CEO. It even showed that he had worked at Intelius, along with some of the other businesses he had started or been a part of. In short, the quick and accurate results pulled from public records shows that the success and reliability of the Intelius.

Key Features

The best thing about this company is the range of services and reports they offer. In addition to those listed above, they also offer identity protection and searches. An added bonus is the available to search for an individual’s social network.

The main site has two different search boxes right up front, allowing you to get started right away with either a people search or a reverse phone look up. Also, in their effort to provide their users with the most amount of information, they have provided a list of articles and other bits of information that will really advance your understanding of background checks and people searching.


Background Check Fees
Trial Membership N/A
Single Report $39.95*
Membership $29.95

The fees charged by Intelius are very reasonable. If you sign up with the Intelius Premier Plus Offer, which provides a 7-day trial for $7.95, you will receive an 80% discount on Reverse Phone Lookup, $0.95 (originally $4.95); 75% discount off the basic People Search Report, $0.95 (originally $3.95); People Search Plus Report is 30% off at $6.95 (originally $9.95); Background Check $10 off, $39.95 (originally $49.95); and a Nationwide Criminal Check, $10 off at $29.95 (originally $39.95); The monthly membership is $29.95, and it offers unlimited premier reports.


One question you might be wondering now is the type of methodology Intelius uses for their searches. Essentially, they have an automated system set up that scours multiple databases of various public records. This can include everything from property records to criminal databases, all of which are done through secured means so the information you are using to search, as well as the information that is returned to you is safe.


No matter how much information a background check site returns, one of the most important things is its reliability. Intelius is actually used by a number of competitors to run searches, which is sure sign of reliability. Not to mention the fact that you can conduct test searches to see for yourself before purchasing.

Safety & Security

You will also notice that whenever a search is being performed on the Intelius site, it is run through a secure browser. Placing your order is also handled similarly. This is important because it means that everything on this site is kept safe and secure, this includes the information you may give to conduct a search and any information that is received.

Customer Support

If you ever need help or have a question, Intelius provides you with a number of resources. There is a huge list of frequently asked questions that is broken down by section for easy use and access. Not to mention the fact that you may give them a call on their 800 number (and they are available for extended hours, 7 days a week). Also, feel free to send them an email; most are answered within a few hours.

Bottom Line

Intelius is one of the top online people search companies in the market today. They have been around for over a decade and provide a ton of different searching and report options. Plus, they offer some of the best prices around and the most reliable data and information.