
Reveal the Truth about Anyone with These Top Background Checks

Reveal the Truth about Anyone with These Top Background Checks

Ever been curious who that new stranger you just met really is? Ever wonder if your neighbors are up to something, or if your child’s nanny is a safe choice? The world is full of mysterious humans and you never truly know who you are […]

5 Horrifying Stories That’ll Prove That BackGround Checks are Essential in 2017

5 Horrifying Stories That’ll Prove That BackGround Checks are Essential in 2017

Let’s face it – in today’s world you never know the true history of a stranger. No one wants to be in a situation where they face danger or find out that the person they’ve been dating is hiding some awful secret. December 15, 2016 […]

Run a Background Check Before Your First Date

Run a Background Check Before Your First Date

Hey, we all have a “crazy ex” story. The guy that responded to your breakup by laying in front of your car every morning before work. The girl who was secretly storing clippings of your hair in a special “memory box” under the bed. But […]

Go find yourself before someone else does!

Go find yourself before someone else does!

Whether you’re looking for a new job or your better half, running a background check on yourself gives you a better picture of what others can find out about you, if they look. February 2016 When was the last time you Googled yourself or took […]

How to Reconnect With Someone from Your Past

How to Reconnect With Someone from Your Past

Do you ever take a trip down memory lane? Think back to the good old days and your high school or college sweetheart? You know… the one who got away… Instead of wondering “what could have been”, take action! With the internet making it easier […]

Here’s Why You Should Run a Background Check on Your Neighbors

Here’s Why You Should Run a Background Check on Your Neighbors

Ever get the feeling that your neighbor is up to something, well, a bit weird? You can’t quite put your finger on it, they just give off a…vibe? Well, sometimes, it’s not your imagination. February 2016 In 2013, a man in Georgia had a life-changing […]

What is the FCRA and Why is it Important

What is the FCRA and Why is it Important

The FCRA is the abbreviated name for the Fair Credit Reporting Act. The FCRA is a U.S. federal law that was originally passed in 1970. It is a law that is enforced by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission. This law is designed to protect the […]

What is a Background Check?

What is a Background Check?

A background check is an information seeking process people or businesses do when they want to verify another person’s information. A background check compiles a person’s relevant personal, financial and/or job information into one easy-to-read report. Why Do People Have Background Checks Done? Individuals may […]

Why Do I Need to Use a Background Check Site?

Why Do I Need to Use a Background Check Site?

A background check is an important tool that allows you to look into someone’s past to see if they have any previous incidents that may affect their integrity and forewarn of potential problems. Background checks tend to be less accessible to normal people, which is […]

How do I Choose the Best Background Check Site?

How do I Choose the Best Background Check Site?

In case you’re trying to find out about your latest date, a Background Check company is going to offer you the details that someone usually won’t tell you. Before choosing a company, however, it’s so important that you know what to look for in a […]